Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Dept. Merchandise Order Form

I would like to order ____ Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Dept. Patches
I would like to order ____ Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Dept. Mugs
I would like to order ____ Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Dept. Hats
Style/Color: (check or write in desired number)
Hat Colors:     ____ Blue with red and white     ____ Green     
Hat Colors:     ____ Black with flames     ____ Black with red     
Would you accept a substitute color if color is not available? _________
What is your 2nd choice color? __________      3rd choice color? __________
Name: ____________________________________________________________________  
Street or P.O. Box: ______________________________________________________   
City: _______________________________   State: ___________________________  
Zip/Postal Code: ____________
_____ Hats  x  $25.00 = $__________
_____ Mugs  x  $18.00 = $__________
_____ Patches x $7.50 = $__________
     Total amount due = $__________
I've enclosed a check or money order for $_________ 
(Make check payable to Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department)
Please charge my   ___ Visa   ___ Discover   ___ MasterCard:
Card Number: ______________________________________ 
Expiration date: __________________________________
Signature and date: ____________________________________________
Priority shipping is included in the price.
A $10 fee may apply for over-seas shipping.

Mail completed form to:

Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department
468 Clearwater Road
Grand Marais, MN 55604